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Showing posts with label best multiple tooth implants in india. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best multiple tooth implants in india. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

You Deserve a Broad Smile - Multiple Tooth Implants

When many teeth are missing, then the implant supported bridges help to replace them. Dental implants replace the lost natural teeth and some of the roots.

Multiple tooth implant types:

Removable partial denture (RPD) is an alternative to an implant to replace the missing teeth. It contains the artificial teeth fixed at the plastic base and it is joined by a metal frame. This frame helps in upholding the denture in the mouth.

RPDs replace one or more teeth while all the teeth are replaced with full dentures. However, wearing RPD may be difficult while eating hard stuff foods.

RPDs replace one or more teeth while all the teeth are replaced with full dentures. However, wearing RPD may be difficult while eating hard stuff  foods.

Multiple teeth supported fixed bridge is a conventional tooth replacement option. This procedure comprises all the impediments and risk of a single tooth bridge. Problems such as Root canal infections, periodontal bone loss, decay and bone atrophy can worsen the teeth condition since more teeth are involved. Regrettably, large bridge fails faster than a single tooth bridge.
multiple tooth implants

Implant supported bridge is like a regular dental bridge, but it is supported by implants instead of natural teeth. This support halts bone deterioration. Implant supported bridge is better than RPDs and Multiple teeth supported fixed bridge.

How are the implants placed?

Implants which look like cylinders and screws are placed into the jaw. After two to six months, the bone and implants are allowed for bonding to form anchors. A temporary teeth replacement can be done over the implant sites during the time gap.

As a second step, the implants are exposed and extensions are attached. The temporary healing caps complete the foundation on which new teeth are placed. At least for a couple of weeks gums are allowed to heal after the said procedure.

Finally, the patient is fixed with replacement teeth or bridges and attached to tiny metal posts called abutments.

After a short phase, the patient will apparently experience his restored teeth confidence in smile and ability to speak, chew, and eat.

Best Multiple Tooth Implants in India

Srivari Dental Clinic a multispecialty dental care in Chennai performed many multiple tooth implant surgeries. It is the best dental hospital in Chennai for all dental problems.
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